儿科护理学考试试卷C(Examination paper for pediatric nursing C).doc

儿科护理学考试试卷C(Examination paper for pediatric nursing C).doc

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儿科护理学考试试卷C(Examination paper for pediatric nursing C)

儿科护理学考试试卷C(Examination paper for pediatric nursing C) Anhui University Of Science And Technology School of Medicine Grade 2002 pediatric nursing examination paper (C) First, the noun explanation (3 points per subject, 24 points) Low birth weight infant: Neonatal stage: Physiologic jaundice: Persisting pneumonia: Tetralogy of fallot: Premature infant: Neonatal sepsis: Hypertonic dehydration: Two, fill in the blanks (1 points per minute, 21 points) 1. of the two peak physical growth refers to the _______________ period and ____ ____________ period. 2. ventilation respiratory failure, should be controlled in ____________________. oxygen concentration 3 children are divided into 6 periods according to age, and so on,,,,, 4.2 ~ 12 years old children can be estimated __________________________________ weight formula. 5, general pediatric ________ months after birth weight is about 2 times of birth, 2 years old weight is about _________ times at birth. 6 VSD patients appear cyanotic symptoms suggests that hemodynamic changes have ____ ______________. 7 in children with cardiovascular disease, the highest incidence of the disease is _ ____________. 8 hypotonic dehydration serum sodium concentration ____ ____________, hypertonic dehydration serum sodium concentration was ___ _________. 9. children with varicella care to avoid the use of __ _____________ fever, because this drug may occur to _______________. 10, the difference between light and heavy diarrhea mainly lies in ___ ____________________. The 11. planned immunization program, 6 months in children have been vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine and BCG vaccination, also ______________ and ___ _____________. Three, individual choice questions (1 points per game, 25 points) 1. what are the pathophysiological changes associated with tetralogy of Fallot? The size of A. atrial septal defect, the degree of B. ductus arteriosus closure, the size of C. ventricular septal defect, the severity of D., the severity of pulmonary s



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