对联鉴赏(Antithetical couplet appreciation).doc

对联鉴赏(Antithetical couplet appreciation).doc

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对联鉴赏(Antithetical couplet appreciation)

对联鉴赏(Antithetical couplet appreciation) Antithetical couplet appreciation It is not difficult to make an antithetical couplet, but it is not easy to make a good one. Therefore, it is helpful to read more and record the names of ancient and modern. Here only choose some characteristics in the art and craft of antithetical couplet couplet of appreciation and common readers. 1, heavy use of heavy words Gu Ming Lian (Xiancheng Title Donglin Academy talks fun 275) The rain the sound of the wind, the sound of the object (0011000011) Family affairs, state affairs and world affairs concern everything (1100111100) Gu Xiancheng (1550-1612), when his uncle, Wuxi people. Wanli Jinshi, tired officers to official department doctor anthology. To be dismissed, founder of Donglin Academy in Wuxi, lectures, often satirical politics. On the reading sound and the sound of wind and rain together, both poetic and political significance. Allied to build a peaceful world for oneself. The wind rain, the home country, the ear to the heart, very neat, especially for the word, such as the smell of rain the sound of the wind, into a ring. It is characterized by the repetition of the word, and the first sentence is the seven - sentence sentence (0011100/1100011). Last sentence (0011100) wind (00) rain (11) reading sound (100) Next to (1100011) family affairs (11) state affairs (00) world affairs (011) Among them, second sound / event (0/1) at the rhythm point, and sentence pattern (1/0) is different, because sound / event as a heavy word, can cover format, and not contrary to the law. Nanjing Yanziji Yongji Temple (volume six couplet plexus words) Shosei bamboo bell Qingsheng, the sound of freedom (00111000011) Color color color color color haze, empty (11000111100) Cloud couplet plexus words: Yanziji the proximate cause in the river, beach day long day wide, and from the river Shaoyuan. There is nothing volley standing as the boat called the iron chain, the chain is still surviving, not matter.



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