建设市政综合管廊过程中存在的主要问题及对策探讨(Discussion on the main problems and Countermeasures in the construction of municipal comprehensive corridor).doc

建设市政综合管廊过程中存在的主要问题及对策探讨(Discussion on the main problems and Countermeasures in the construction of municipal comprehensive corridor).doc

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建设市政综合管廊过程中存在的主要问题及对策探讨(Discussion on the main problems and Countermeasures in the construction of municipal comprehensive corridor)

建设市政综合管廊过程中存在的主要问题及对策探讨(Discussion on the main problems and Countermeasures in the construction of municipal comprehensive corridor) Comprehensive pipe gallery, is the city integrated underground pipeline corridor, namely the construction of a tunnel of underground space in the city, municipal, electricity, communications, gas, drainage and other pipelines in one, with a special manhole, lifting port and monitoring system, the implementation of unified planning, design, construction and management. Comprehensive pipe gallery is one of the important signs of the twenty-first Century new city municipal infrastructure modernization, it avoids the laying or maintenance of pipeline and road leading to the city repeated excavation impact on traffic and peoples daily life, and as a result of the pipeline does not contact the soil and groundwater, avoid the soil corrosion of pipeline, prolong the service life of the pipeline at the same time, because of its intensive pipeline laying, also set aside valuable underground space for the development of the city, creating good conditions for city underground pipeline management information construction. According to the different pipelines, the municipal comprehensive corridor can be divided into the main line comprehensive pipe corridor, the feeder comprehensive pipe corridor, the cable integrated pipe corridor and the power cable special tunnel. Two, domestic municipal comprehensive corridor construction overview Comprehensive pipe gallery domestic construction started late, before the reform and opening up, generally only in large public buildings or underground space of large industrial enterprises according to the need to set some pipeline corridor, or just a simple integrated cable trench placed mainly weak. The first municipal pipe gallery in Shanghai after the reform and opening up in Pudong, in 1994, according to the requirements of the high level of development and construction planning of Pudong New Area, after the nec


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