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台灣西部第三系之層序地層學研究 (二)
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Tertiary Strata in Western Taiwan (2)
計畫編號: NSC 89-2116-M-002-013
執行期限: 88年 8 月 1 日至89年 7 月 31 日
計畫主持人 :鄧屬予 執行機構及單位名稱 :國立台灣大學地質系
successions. The Middle and Upper Miocene strata are
一、中文摘要﹕ likewise dominated by the offshore deposits and
第三系廣泛出露於台灣西部的雪山山脈和西 further characterized by the coastal plain and
部麓山帶 ,並隱伏於海岸平原和台灣海峽的地下 nearshore deposits. Their lateral facies changes are
地質 ,是濱海-淺海相的堆積層。 more consistent and widely observed both southwards
根據第一年的研究計畫成果顯示 ,在台灣北 and eastwards. Ten depositional sequences are
部與中部地區的三條露頭剖面與三口鑽井資料 identified in the faices successions. In central Taiwan,
中 ,漸新統至下中新統多屬於遠濱相的沈積物, missing of some of the Upper Miocene sequences are
During this year, the stratigraphic records of
變化 ,並可分為8個沈積層序 。中上中相統仍以遠
the Chuhuangkeng section and 2 well logs in
濱相沈積物為主 ,也含有顯著的海岸平原與近濱 northwestern Taiwan have been investigated to
相的沈積物 ,不論是從北到南或由西到東,岩相 examine the vadility of the sequence stratigraphic
的側向變化方面則顯得比較一致 ,並可分為10個 scheme established in the previous year. The
沈積層序 。此外,在台灣中部,上中新統具有顯 Oligocene sequences are not completely reocrded in
著的沈積間斷 ,以致缺失部分沈積層序。 these sections, because they are usually deep-seat