8A Unit1 教案6.doc

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8A Unit1 教案6

教案6 课题 Unit 1 Encyclopaedia 课型 Writing 备课时间 1 Period 教 材 分 析 教学目标 Learn to use the correct tenses to complete the passage. 教学重点 Get some important and useful sentences ,and use the correct tenese 教学难点 Use your imagination to give the story an exciting ending . 教学关键 Complete the description of the pictures 教法与学法指导 Self-study, Cooperation, Group work. 教学环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时间 分配 第一环节 复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题 StepⅠ:Free talk and preparation for writing 1. Talk with your partner what animal you like best , and tell a story about it 1. show some useful words and phrases on the PPT to help them communicate with their partner 1.To arouse their interest about the class 5 第二环节 观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法 StepⅡ: complete the sentences about the pictures 3. use the correct words to complete the sentences in part A. Before that , you can talk with your classmates 3.help students to mark down the important points about the rescue story 3.To train their ability to express as well as improve their speaking ability and to get ready for the writing and train their ability to cooperate. 10 第三环节 课堂练习 Step III: Writing Step IV: Check the passage 4.Before writing , talk with your classmates what you will do with the money if you were Sammy 4.Ask some of the students to make a speech about what they will do if they get the money remind students to pay attention to their handwriting and check the mistakes students make 4.To train the students’ writing ability. 15 第四环节 课时小结 Step five Sum up How to organize the writing. 5. sum up what you need to contain in your passage when writing 5.List the beautiful sentences they write in the passages 5.Let them get familiar with the writing. 5 第五环节 课后作业 1. Recite the passage which given as a sample . 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Free talk and preparation →Read a sample passage →write a passage—Check the writhing. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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