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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 双语:2014年度十大最佳电影(TOP1-TOP5) 2014年度最佳电影TOP10 (2):TOP1~ TOP5 >> 双语:2014年度十大最佳电影(TOP6-TOP10) 5.Goodbye to Language 《再见语言》 In a banner year for 84-year-old visionaries, Jean-Luc Godard issued his first 3-D feature, a skeptical phantasmagoria that proves the unstoppable innovative verve of the auteur who set movies on their modernist course with his 1960Breathless. When most other directors stopped modernizing, Godard went further, into a film-essay form that lays his cantankerous ideas about life, love, politics and film history over the smidge of a story — here, the romantic debates of a youngish, often nude couple (Héloise Godet and Kamel Abdeli). As if he were making the first 3-D movie experiment, Godard shows nature in violent, supersaturated colors and, in one scene, plays with overlapping images: close one eye and see a man in the foreground, close the other and see the woman in the back. The real star is Godard’s dog Roxy, a mournful observer and a great natural actor who embodies Darwin’s observation that “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” This latest Godard may be hard to love, but it probes, confounds and exhilarates in equal and unique measure. 对84岁的预想家让-吕克·戈达尔来说,2014是有标志性意义的一年 。这一年他推出了自己的首部3D电影《再见语言》。戈达尔1960年的 电影《精疲力尽》(Breathless)奠定了法国新浪潮电影流派的基调, 而幻觉效应贯穿始终的《再见语言》延续了他创新出奇的风格。如今大 部分导演不再追求现代化,而戈达尔却进一步反其道而行之,创造了“ 电影小说”的新形式。他通过叙述一对年轻夫妇和一条狗的奇幻故事, 表达了自己对生活、爱情、政治和电影历史的看法。在探索3D电影的过 程中 ,戈达尔展现了冲突和超饱和色彩的本质 ,还在一个场景中运用重 叠图像的手法:闭上一只眼 ,你看到前面有位男士;转而闭上另一只眼 ,你会看到后面有位女士。影片明星是那条名叫罗克西的小狗,它悲痛 地旁观着一切 ,最佳诠释了达尔文的那句名言:“狗是世界上唯一爱你 比爱它自己多的生物”。尽管戈达尔最近让人有些晦涩难懂 ,但他会通 过独特的方式让你受益匪浅、欣喜若狂。 阅读双语新闻了解全球热点 ,雅思阅读背景资料get ! >>戳我获得名师1对1指导 4.Lucy 《超体》 Most big summer movies are handsome, muscular and dumb; in a word,Transformers. Luc Besson’s globe-trotting thriller, about a woman empowered and imperiled by the infusion of a powerful new drug into her ner


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