新超越大学英语综合教程unit 2.ppt

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新超越大学英语综合教程unit 2

New words doubt v 怀疑,不信任 Eg. I doubt whether he had any real understanding of Shakespeare. 翻译: 我怀疑他是否真正理解莎士比亚的作品 no doubt, without doubt, beyond doubt 毫无疑问 tuition n.学费 fee 翻译:你的父母得支付你的学费。 —————————————— Your parents will have to cover your tuition. luxurious adj. 豪华的, 奢侈的 Eg. 他有三款豪华型的车和五辆普通型的车。 He possesses three luxurious cars and five ordinary ones. romantic 浪漫的,传奇性的 romance n. 浪漫,传奇 eg. 三国演义 The Romance of Three Kingdoms。 temper n. 脾气,性情 好脾气的 good-tempered 坏脾气 bad temper/ill temper 发脾气 lose temper 性子急的,易怒的 quick-tempered sew n. 缝纫 eg 我喜欢学习如何做饭和缝缝补补。 I like learning how to cook and sew. continue v 继续,连续 continue doing sth 休息了一会后, 他继续读书。 —————————————————— contimue to do sth 读完小说后,他继续去玩游戏。 —————————————— - embarrassment 尴尬,难看 翻译:His ignorant behavior at the dinner table caused much embarrassment. 他在餐桌上举止粗鲁,在座的人刚到颇为难堪。 dis 前缀 disappear v. 消失 出现? disagree 不同意 同意? like 喜欢 不喜欢? order 有条理 无条理? honest 诚实 不诚实? rainbow colors Can you tell us how many colors are the rainbow made from? what are they? red orange yellow green indigo azure purple another colors that you know? pale , grey ,brown, pink, black, jade, cherry…. harmonious 和谐的, 和睦的 harmony n. 和谐 和气生财 Harmony makes wealth. 和谐号 hamony 翻译:天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面 couple n. 夫妻, 一对。 I have a couple of things to do, but I will see you later. ___________________________________ 以我之见 in my opinion from my point of view from my part as far as I know as far as I am concerned 说 to tell you the truth 说实话, 老实说 frankly speaking 坦率地说 generally speaking 一般来说 practice 1 d_____ vt. to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely 2 l_____ adj. very comfortable; containing expensive and enjoyable things 3 t____ n. a short period of feeling, very angry 4 t____ n. the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university 5 r____


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