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Guess what kind of the animals they are according to the voice. as blind as a bat (像蝙蝠一样盲目)??? as hungry as a bear (像熊一样饥饿) as busy as a beaver (像河狸一样忙碌)? as angry as a bull (像公牛一样愤怒) as slow as a snail (像蜗牛一样缓慢)??? as bald as an eagle (像鹰一样秃顶)   as sly as a fox (像狐狸一样狡猾)?? as tall as a giraffe (像长颈鹿一样高)  as silly as a goose (像鹅一样愚蠢)? as graceful as a swan (像天鹅一样优美)  as gentle as a lamb (像小羊一样温和) as brave as a lion (像狮子一样勇敢)?? as stubborn as a mule (像骡子一样顽固) as smart as an owl (像猫头鹰一样聪明) ? as quick as a rabbit (像兔子一样快)  动物是人类的好朋友。现在,动物园又有了另外一种方式来为动物提供更多的帮助---认养动物。请你以某一种动物的名义写一封包含以下内容的介绍信,呼唤更多人来关爱动物! Animals in Danger/ Endangered animals Here are several endangered animals in the world. One is the elephant in Asia. Hunters kill the elephants for their ivory tusks. People use the ivory to make decorations. Another animal in danger is the panda. Pandas live in bamboo trees in China. When people cut down the trees, the pandas have no place to live or no food to eat. Hunters also kill the pandas for their fur. Tigers are also hunted in India for their fur. In the past, no one protected these animals. Now, countries are trying to save them. 1. What animals eat grass? 2. What animals eat meat? 3. What animals eat leaves? Sheep, cows, horses, rabbits --- Tigers, lions, foxes, dolphins --- Giraffes, pandas, koalas--- qualities where age animal name I am Yago, a 3-year-old animal from North America. I like swimming, eating fish and playing with a ball. I swim very fast and jump so high. I can even stand up and walk on water! I’m very friendly to people. If you fall into the water and can’t swim, I may come to help you. Do you know what I am now? Do you think I’m interesting? Come on, let’s make friends with each other! sample Reason From Animals Elephants Asia Kill the elephants for their ivory tusks Pandas China Pandas have no place to live or food to eat Tigers India Tigers are hunted for their fur * * Unit Four Why do you l


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