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仁爱九年级上册Unit 3 Unit 3 Topic 1 贴在墙上 stick sth on the wall卡通人物 cartoon characters 为……做准备 be ready for sth 准备做某事 be ready to do sth 迫不及待做某事 can’t wait to do sth’t afford to do sth. 忍不住做某事 can’t help doing sth. 忍受不了做某事 can’t stand doing sth. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do sth练习做某事 practice doing sth 能够做某事 be able to do sth 从现在起,开始 from now onFrom today /then on 设法做某事 try one’s best to do sth 以后更加努力work much harder later on 和某人交流 communicate with sb 把…翻译成 translate…into–into 整理包pack one’s bag 出差 on business 作为母语 as mother tongue 第二语言 second language 外语 foreign language 官方语言 the official language (毫不)费力做某事 have (no) trouble/ difficulties (in)doing sth 进行(一次)长谈 have a long conversation, have long conversations 与……相同 be the same as与-----相似 be similar to 如果必要的话 If necessary 向…求助 ask …for help 随身带上某人/某物 take sth with sb. ……的总数/ 数量the number of…… 许多 a number of 被广泛使用 be widely used 参加一次国际性会议 take part in an international conference 上游泳课 take a swimming course这是事实 It’s true that+ 随着世界的发展with the development of the world 自从19世纪50年代以来 since the 1950s 在二十世纪八十年代 in the 1980s 处于领先地位 take the leading position鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 在十九世纪 in the nineteenth century 中国制造 made in China 把……看作,把…认为regard…as…=consider---as=think of --as. ==treat ---as 也as well 偶尔 有时 once in a while=at times=sometimes 在---方面取得进步 make progress in doing sth 结果 as a result 受----欢迎 be popular withUnit 3 Topic 2 我听不懂你的话 I can’t follow you. 请你说慢一点可以吗? Can you speak more slowly, please? 澳式英语和英式英语一样吗? Is Australian English the same as British English? 不确切,不完全 Not exactly 做得好 Good on ya, mate =Well done =good job 我明天要飞往迪斯尼乐园 I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow. 祝你旅行愉快 Have a good trip! 玩得开心 Enjoy yourself! 一直,总是 all the time 当然不 Of course not 取决于,视……而定,依靠 depend on (doing sth) 与…不同 be different from ……和……差异 T differences between …and… 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth. 使别人理解你 make yourself



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