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262 Vo.l 26, No. 2 2 00 9 2 FINE CH EM ICAL S Feb. 2 0 0 9 * AB8 1 1* 1 1 1 2 谷成燕 , 杜爱玲 , 杜爱琴 , 贾雁高 , 高 宇, 胡晶红 ( 1. , 250061; 2. , 250355) : , AB8, GC -M S, , , , , , 7 27, 3 11; , 127% 5568% , , 7088% :; ; ; ; : Q028. 1 : A : 1003- 5214( 2009) 02- 0153- 05 Separation G ingerols of G inger O leoresin on AB8 M acroporous Adsorption R esin 1 1* 1 1 1 2 GU Chengyan , DU A iling , DU A iqin , JIA Yangao , GAO Yu , HU Jinghong ( 1. School of Chem istry and Chem ical E ngineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong, China; 2. PharmaceuticalSchoool, Shandong University of Traditional Ch ineseM ed icine, Jinan 250355, Shandong, Ch ina) Ab stract Ginger oleoresin is extracted by a solvent. he separation carrier used was AB - 8 m acroporous adsorption resin. he active ingredient gingerols was separated by choosing ether and hexane as the desorption system. he characterization of sampleswas conducted on GC- MS. he peak area percentage was determ ined by normalizationmethod and the rate of accumulation of gingerolswas confirmed by contrasting w ith that of the standard gingerol sample. R esults showed that the ether- hexane eluting system can not only reduce number of components in the separated product from 27 to 11, but also decresae the peak area percentage of zingiberene which accounts for considerable proportion in ginger oleoresin and raise the peak area percentage of gingerols from 127% to 5568


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