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Company LOGO The World House Para10 Contents word interpretation questions sentence analysis discuss the question categories 1 2 3 4 5 reading Questions What is the great problem in human history? Too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Questions . This determines our fate,if we cannot,we will die Why should we stay awake? To adjust to new ideas,to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change Words N责任; 债务; 倾向; 口妨碍 1 2 3 4 5 Here it means disadvantage,shortcoming,obstacle e.g随着总统的声望持续下跌,他们显然开始视他为负累 形近词: arability viability stability As the presidents prestige continues to fall, theyre clearly beginning to consider him a liability. liability n. 适合耕种 生存能力,发育能力 Words Status quo 1 2 3 4 5 现状,维持现状 Quo [网络] 新探索; 雀 e.g 联邦以492票对391票的投票结果决定维持现状。 Quid pro quo沉默的羔羊 By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo A movie talk about change and exchange Words Tom needs the fraternity of others who share his mission Frater- nity 1 2 3 4 5 英 [fr??t?:n?ti] 美 [fr??t?:rn?ti] n. 友爱; 兄弟会; 大学生联谊会 [网络] 博爱; 兄弟情谊; 联谊会 e.g汤姆需要与他共同肩负这项使命的其他人的友爱互助 Words 该片讲述了莉亚与美国特工迪普相爱;然而 莉亚却因为工作的关系嫁给塞巴斯蒂安, 并在婚后因为身份暴露而陷入危险的故事。 notorious 1 2 3 4 5 adj. 臭名昭著的; 声名狼藉的; 臭名远扬的; 恶名昭著 e.g该公司因其不法交易而臭名昭著。 The company was notorious for shady deals. 网络:美人计;? 匪帮说唱传奇;? 声名狼藉 Contents perish 1 2 3 4 5 vi. 毁灭; 死亡,丧生; 腐烂,枯萎; 老化 vt. 使麻木; 使毁坏 e.g各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡 synonym,:die , decease , pass away , expire , Civilizations do eventually decline and perish. Words e.g我们必须重视和保持警惕。 adj. 机警; 警惕的,警觉的; 警戒的 We have to remain vigilant A brand of air cleaner in Switzerland vigilant 1 2 3 4 5 carefully observant or attentive Diagram – PowerPoint2002 Protectors of the status quo Fraternities of the indifferent Notorious for It refers to groups of people who share the same indifferent attitude toward important issues.They don‘t care and don‘t want to be involved. People who would like to keep


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