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英语PPT 侯

Welcome To Xian;目录;魅力西安;;Zhong Lou;钟楼夜景;鼓楼美景;世界八大奇迹之秦兵马俑; 1974年春,当地农民在打井时,从2米多深的地下挖出陶俑人头的碎片,一时议论纷纷。这一偶然发现,引起了考古部门极大的重视,从此揭开了尘封地下2000多年的文化宝库。在发现一号坑和三号坑以后,又于1976年发现二号坑。一号坑局部挖掘,以于1979年开放;三号坑全部发掘,于1989年开放;二号坑从1994年3月开始挖掘,观众可观看发掘过程。 秦俑坑坐西向东,3座坑呈品字形排列。3座坑计有陶俑陶马8000余件。自从一号坑开放以来,秦俑博物馆以接待国内外观众近3000万,数十个国家的元首亲临参观,无不赞不绝口。法国前总理希拉克1979年来这里参观,称赞秦兵马俑是世界第八大奇迹,认为不看金字塔,不算真正到埃及;不看兵马俑,不算真正到中国。 ;大唐芙蓉园;大明宫 华清池;   huashan is located in the qinling mountain range, which lies in southern shaanxi province. hua mountain is well-known for its sheer cliffs and plunging ravines. it is known as “the most precipitous mountain under heaven” and is probably the most dangerous mountain in the world frequented by hikers.   hua mountain is located 120 kilometers east of xian, about 3 hours from the city centre. there are five peaks that make up the mountain: cloud terrace peak (north peak, 1613m), jade maiden peak (middle peak, 2042m), sunrise peak (east peak, 2100m), lotus peak (west peak, 2038m) and landing wild goose peak (south peak, 2160m). north peak, the lowest of the five, is the starting point. it has three ways up it: the six kilometer winding track from huashan village, the cable car or the path beneath it.;华山三大险;回民街小吃;THANK YOU


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