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Xi an cultural entertainment and souvenirs 英教3班 张子玉 何银 赵美晨 Many tourist souvenirs 1 秦兵马俑 terracotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty青铜车马 Bronze chariots and horses 2 唐三彩 tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 3 面花 crispy noodles 4 陕北布艺小毛驴 Shaanxi cloth art is small donkey 5 皮影 shadow puppet 6 剪纸 scissor-cut paper-cut 7 秦腔脸谱 Qinqiang opera facial makeup 8 青釉瓷器 blue glazed porcelain 9 木板年画 Wood pictures 10 西安景泰蓝 Xi an cloisonne 11 蓝田玉雕 Kai jade carving 秦兵马俑 terracotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty 唐三彩 tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 面花 crispy noodles 陕北布艺小毛驴 Shaanxi cloth art is small donkey 皮影 shadow puppet 剪纸 scissor-cut 秦腔脸谱 Qinqiang opera facial makeup 青釉瓷器 blue glazed porcelain 木板年画 Wood pictures 青铜车马 Bronze chariots and horses XI’AN CULTURE Food Biáng Biang Mian The culture of Tang Dynasty 长安画派:changan painting China changan painting in the traditional Chinese painting before the guanzhong shadow play, is the result of the western zhou dynasty shaanxi puppet show and rich color being one farmer paints used home doors of painting is indispensable important component of xi an culture 方言localism Prevails in the guan Hong and northwest of qinqiang opera is also called dripping, also called which, commonly known as Gang reel. In the guan Hong dialect, that is, xi an dialect, represented by one of the central plains of Shaanxi dialect , although influenced by mandarin, but still retains some dialect of ancient word usage. 盛行于关中以及西北等地的秦腔又称乱弹,又叫“梆子腔”,俗称“桄桄子”。以关中话,即西安方言为代表的的中原官话之一陕西话,虽然深受普通话影响,但还是保留了一些古音古词用法。 Art Cosplay Traveling Culture Antique and Modern * * * * * * Xi an cultural entertainment cultural entertainment catering culture entertainment regional culture biángbiang   辣子是道菜、泡馍大碗卖    碗盆难分开、帕帕头上戴   房子半边盖、姑娘不对外   不坐蹲起来、唱戏吼起来 面条像腰带、锅盔像锅盖、 Catering culture: 凉皮 cold noodle 锅盔 guo kui 水晶饼 crystal c


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