unit one 课文段落讲解点补充.doc

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unit one 课文段落讲解点补充

Unit One Paragraph1-2 sb be short of sth= sb is in need sb is in need of sth=Sb lacks sth optimistic---optimism(乐观主义)---optimist(乐观主义者) make ends meet使收支相抵,勉强维持生计 Paragraph 3 Polish your shoes with a brush. 用刷子把你的鞋子擦亮。 The bed, the mirror, the white jug and basin gleam like the sky outside. 床,镜子,白色的口缸和面盆,跟屋外的天空一样闪闪发光。 He pricked down each item. 她记下了每一项。 He would not succumb to such an item. Yield to 他不会对这样的条款做出让步的。 We now proceed to the next item on the agenda. 我们现在着手讨论下一项议题。 in uniform obtain, acquire, get paragraph 4 be at work, be off work, be in work/be out of work be in/out of place, be in disorder, be out of order be in a mess be at a loss attend sb to attend a concert; to attend church; to attend a lecture join sb/组织/机构, join in sth/doing sth, join take part in sth= participate in sth opening/closing ceremony the reform and opening-up policy foreign policy ; diplomatic policy be strict with sb, be strict in sth proper---improper, modest, immodest, modesty, immodesty, moral, immoral, morality, immorality polite, impolite, politeness, impoliteness, comfortable, uncomfortable, comfort, discomfort worthless ; unvalued ; valueless ; invaluable unload, download discover, uncover courage, courageous, encourage, encouraging, discourage, discouraging earth, earthen(adj. 土制的;陶制的;地球上的), unearth/发掘采掘, unearthed 采掘出的 paragraph5 in spite of , despite, although, even if/even though explanatory, explanation comply with make progress in be made to do sth set an example, set a good example, take sth/sb as an example, take sth/sb for example sample wear—wore, worn wear out磨损,耗尽;穿破;使精疲力竭 paragraph 6 be barred from doing sth/sth prohibit, prohibition forbid---forbade---forbidden exhibit, exhibition world expo=world exposition, mascot extend---extent, to what extent, to a large extent/degree, in a large part 在很大程度上 in despair, would rather do sth than do sth prefer to do sth than do sth prefer doing sth to doing sth prefer A to B preference, inference, reference, inter


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