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Major Works 1. Poems by Two Brothers (the 1st collection of poems, 1827)《两兄弟诗集》 2. Poems (his 1st important work, a collection of his early poems;1833)《诗集》 3. two volumes of Poems (secured his position as the leading poet of his time, 1842; includes The Lady of Shalott, The Lotus Eaters, Ulysses is included) 《诗集》(第二卷) 4. The Princess (1847)《公主》 5. In Memoriam H.H.(1850; succeeded Wordsworth as poet Laureate) 《悼念》 6. Maud 《毛黛》 7. Idylls of the King (1859)《国王诗歌集》 8. Crossing the Bar 《过沙洲》 9. Break, Break, Break 《浪花拍,拍,拍》 Comment on Alfred Tennyson 1) Tennyson is the most representative poet of Victorian age. 2) Tennyson is a real artist. 3) Tennyson is a moralist. 4) Tennyson is a great poet of nature. * * * * * * * Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) 小组成员: 朱玲莉、章璐、杜群群、俞丽华、陈怡如 1830、1832 1842 1850 1892 the early 20th century The ups and downs of his life 75years old Introduction: His Life Alfred Tennyson was born and bred in a country clergyman’s family and educated at Cambridge University. His early volumes of poems, published in 1830 and 1833, went unnoticed by the reading public, and he only achieved some fame with his two volumes of poetry in 1842. He received a pension from the government, and in 1850 he was made Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人 ) to succeed Wordsworth. From that time till he was created a baron and became Lord Tennyson in 1884, and in 1892, he died and was buried in Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂 ). Life Story 1809.8.6 Somersby, Lincolnshire 1827 Attended Trinity College Published Poems by Two Brothers Met Hallam 1817 (8 years old) Began writing poetry Life Story 1830 First volume of verse 1832 Published another volume Poems his 1st important work, a collection of his early poems 1831 Father died, left Cambridge not well received affected and obscure 1833 Hallam died, silent for nine years Hamllam and Tennyson toured Europe together in 1830 and again in 1832 1838 Engaged to Emily Sellwood 1840 Engagement broken off. Family moved to Tunbridge Wells. 1842 C


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