除体内湿气的方子(Except for the damp in the body).doc

除体内湿气的方子(Except for the damp in the body).doc

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除体内湿气的方子(Except for the damp in the body)

除体内湿气的方子(Except for the damp in the body) Except for the damp in the body The disease of the human body comes from the humidity of the body 1. Damp: evil spirits Nowadays, people eat too much meat and eat too much food, which is polluted in the food, and the amount of exercise is less, the body Yin sheng Yang deficiency, the wet and evil inner depression, so shit cannot be normal. Why are there very few stools? Tell the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, is loose stools pixu (spleen deficient), the Chinese should feed on grain, mainly meat now, a lot of people dont eat meat a day feel very lost, so for a long time, damage the spleen and stomach, spleen is transport the water wet, the spleen damage to water wet cant operation, and the accumulation in the body. Therefore, the defecation does not take shape means the spleen deficiency, also means the body has the moisture. In the pathogenic wind, cold, heat, wet, dry, fire, the six evil spirits, traditional Chinese medicine is most afraid of dampness. Wet is the easiest to penetrate. It is never alone. It always has to be in cahoots with other evil spirits. If the weather is dry, no matter how cold it is, people will still be able to accept it. However, if the humidity is heavy, people will suffer. Winter in the south is worse than the winter in the north, because the south is heavy and humid. The heat of moisture is hot and humid, which is like sauna days in summer, hot and humid, which makes people breathless, which is less obvious than when the sun is dry and the climate is dry. Humidity meets the wind to become rheumatism, drive wind very easy, but once become rheumatism, often is chronic disease, temporarily cure not good. The humidity is under the skin, it forms obesity, it is also a bad health issue... Why are modern diseases so complicated and difficult to treat? Because their body is wet, the evil spirit in the body always and the moisture inside the body should be combined with, the entanglement is not c



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