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氨基糖甙类(aminophenoside) Pharmacopoeia - antibacterial drug - aminophenoside neomycin Neomycin (Neomin) [function and purpose] This product is a broad-spectrum antibiotic for glucoside, which has a good effect on gram-negative bacteria, positive bacteria and tuberculosis bacillus. Escherichia coli is the most sensitive, is sensitive to aureus, anthrax, bacillus, bacillus, proteus and dysentery bacillus, is not sensitive to pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacteria can cross resistance with streptomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin. Because of the great toxicity of this product, it is not used for injection. It is only used for oral administration and local application. Oral absorption is very small, can be used in the treatment of diarrhea, the effect of diarrhea in children caused by escherichia coli is better. It can also be used for abdominal and intestinal surgery. The local application is also good, and the skin mucosa infection caused by sensitive bacteria such as abscess, boils, ulcer and burn is good. [dosage and usage] Oral, adult 0.5 g ~ 1g/time, 4 times/day; Children are 25 mg to 50 mg/kg per day, four times. Local application, 0.5% eye drops or ointment, 0.1%, 0.5% solution for local external use. 【 side effect 】 This product is rarely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the gastrointestinal reaction, the loss of appetite, nausea and the number of defecate. Gentamicin sulfuric acid Gentamycin Sulfate (Gentamicin, Ganamycin Gentalin, Cidomycin) [function and purpose] This product is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of amino glucoside and has antibacterial and bactericidal effect on various gram-negative bacteria and positive bacteria. The effects of pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacillus pneumoniae, salmonella, salmonella and proteus were stronger. The mechanism of action of this product is and bacterial ribosome protein subunits of specific protein solid combination, interference RNA protein function, to prevent protein synthesis, and lead to translation messenge


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