怎样提高女性生育能力(How to improve female fertility).doc

怎样提高女性生育能力(How to improve female fertility).doc

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怎样提高女性生育能力(How to improve female fertility)

怎样提高女性生育能力(How to improve female fertility) How to improve womens fertility This article introduction: womens old surely will think about having children, just had a woman in good condition, so whats the time in the day means can you improve fertility can we? How can the woman procreation to improve the woman procreation ability the way that the woman procreation ability Many pregnant women will keep an eye out for alcohol and alcohol, avoid stress and eat more nutritious food. But thats not enough. Recently, the American health magazine asked fertility experts to give more ideas about the fertility of women. Make breakfast more generous. A study, announced in the journal of clinical science, found that some irregular women ate a rich breakfast to make progress. Israeli discussators recruited 60 women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The subjects were divided into two groups. One group had more than half the daily calories and the other ate the same amount of calories at dinner. Three months later, the women who ate the rich breakfast had a higher ovulation rate. Eat less meat from large fish. The Lin family base of the shadow of Virginia fair oaks gynaecologists seats way malik said, want to pregnant women to eat less as far as possible large predatory fish meat products, such as tuna and mackerel, and swordfish and sharks, this is due to the content of mercury pollution in the Marine life at the top of the food chain is higher. Mercury accumulates in the blood and may affect fertility. Test multiple sex positions. Dr Malik thinks it is a myth that men are the most fertile for conception. The main effect on conception is the time and frequency of sex, not the chosen position. She argued that couples should test any feel-good sex position, add sex to ovulation, and use ovulation test paper. Switch to a lubricant. Malik physicians, points out that there are some popular lubricant brand practice will hinder the conception, such as some special ingredients of water-base



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