南昌大学2011年艺术类专业招生简章(A brief introduction to the 2011 art majors of nanchang university).doc

南昌大学2011年艺术类专业招生简章(A brief introduction to the 2011 art majors of nanchang university).doc

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南昌大学2011年艺术类专业招生简章(A brief introduction to the 2011 art majors of nanchang university)

南昌大学2011年艺术类专业招生简章(A brief introduction to the 2011 art majors of nanchang university) A brief introduction to the 2011 art majors of nanchang university I. school profile Nanchang university is a Wen Ligong medicine osmosis, university-industry cooperation comprehensive university, is in jiangxi province and the ministry of education of the peoples government to build the national 211 project key construction of university, is the national and personnel training, scientific research and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in jiangxi province important base. The school was founded in 1921 by jiangxi public medical school and the national university of China, which was founded in 1940. In 1993, jiangxi university merged with jiangxi university of technology to form nanchang university. In 1997, the university was listed as the national project 211 key construction university. In 2004, the ministry of education and the peoples government of jiangxi province signed the agreement to jointly build nanchang university. In 2005, nanchang university merged with jiangxi medical college to form new nanchang university, and the construction, reform and development of the school entered a new stage. The school is located in nanchang city, jiangxi province, which is famous for its history and culture. The campus covers an area of more than 8,000 mu, and the former lake main campus has more than 50,000 full-time undergraduates and graduate students. It now offers 97 undergraduate majors in 11 disciplines, including doctoral programs, masters degree programs, and most undergraduate majors. Is the work of the ministry of education undergraduate teaching assessment in school outstanding colleges and universities, schools, the ministry of education of the national first batch of college students innovative experiment program of China education and research computer network (CERNET) east China south region Jiang Xizhu nodes, literature information service cente


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