SSAT词汇Practice 10.docx

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SSAT词汇Practice 10

Practice 10 This section consists of two types of questions. There are directions and a sample question for each type. Each of the following questions consists of one word followed by five words or phrases lettered A through E. You are to select the one word or phrase whose meaning is closest to the word in capital letters. Sample Question: Chilly: A. lazy Chilly: A. lazy B. nice C. dry D. cold E. sunny eq \o\ac(○,A) eq \o\ac(○,B) eq \o\ac(○,C) eq \o\ac(○,D) eq \o\ac(○,E) SKEPTIC doubter critic heretic opponent wretched TENUOUS boring impermanent nervous flimsy grotesque VIE defeat hurry seek compete culpable ARMADA fleet battle defeat ship harrow DRIVEL saliva foam tension nonsense pedigree PORTAL dockside carriage peephole gate iota HUMUS nerve topsoil modesty tonnage tumult ACRID burnet smoky bitter artificial deleterious RIFE widespread mature quarrelsome broken commodious TACIT understood sensitive sticky skillful austere GUILELESS clumsy clever wistful na?ve exorbitant EXORBITANT essential lacking literal excessive igneous DESPERADO cowboy hunter settler criminal perilous CHASSIS frame body form lubrication penurious SHROUD cummerbund coffin veil wake saucer WRIT law order deed prohibition stanza DOWDY young fluffy widowed shabby tepid MAUDLIN spotted sentimental silent juicy vacuous GREGARIOUS haggling sociable quick worm-like willful OPULENT busy showy abundant enchanted immaculate INTERMENT apprenticeship questioning referral burial disparity SUNDER separate vary darken depress congeal QUADRANT perpendicular right angle quarter corner fringe PORTENTOUS overweight ominous overbearing ostentatious sacrosanct VAULT boast display jump defy turgid PONDER brag consider beat mimic vituperate GRATUITOUS thankful polite unnecessary annoying morose ETIQUETTE manners dress code wedding aristocracy leopard GOUGE


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