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留守儿童 双语阅读
They are left behind in grim villages all over China by parents who have joined the biggest voluntary worker migration in human history. Some are left at home with one parent, others stay back with an illiterate grandmother or exhausted grandfather. An estimated 2m are left to fend for themselves.
China has 61m so-called “left behind children”, all but orphaned by the mainland economic miracle. Interviews with social workers, non-governmental organisations, economists and parents say migrants do it for the sake of the very children they leave behind: to pay for their education, to build them a house to give them a future living among skyscrapers and not pig pens. Economists say this is the price of China’s modernisation, just as surely as the poisoned water and choking smog that is the legacy of its industrial development.
中国有6100万“留守儿童”(left behind children),中国大陆经济奇迹把他们变得几乎和孤儿一样。从对社会工作者、非政府组织、经济学家以及留守儿童父母的采访中可以了解到,父母之所以外出打工,正是为了自己留在老家的孩子:为了供他们上学,为了给他们盖房子,为了给他们一个生活在摩天大楼之间、而非猪圈之间的未来。经济学家们称,这是中国现代化的代价,正如水污染和雾霾是中国工业发展的后遗症一样。
“We think of them as economic orphans,” says Jenny Bowen, head of the US charity OneSky, which has recently begun pilot programmes to help rural children being raised without parents. “Villages are unravelling because so many young parents go away to work. Generations of people who were always together are no longer together any more”.
我们称他们为‘经济孤儿’,”美国慈善机构“同一片天空”(OneSky)负责人博珍妮(Jenny Bowen)说,“大批的年轻父母外出打工,以至于农村正在解体。过去都是几代人生活在一起,如今一家人不能朝夕相处。”同一片天空最近开展了一些试点项目来帮助那些没有父母陪伴的农村儿童。
These days the juggernaut of Chinese labour migration is slowing as the work force shrinks. This year, the Financial Times has published a series of articles about the end of this migrant miracle, and about how that is affecting the migrants who drove the transformation from agrarian backwater to digital society, in just three decades.
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