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中考试题及动词不定式近年来的中考试题中有不少针对动词不定式的考题#65377;不少考生在做这类题目时不得要领,失去了不少分数#65377;为帮助同学们学好动词不定式,下面笔者结合2005~2006年全国部分省市中考英语试题,将其中的典型错误加以归纳和分析#65377; 1. 我认为你最好不要把那件事告诉她#65377; [误] I think youd better not to tell her about it. [误] I think youd better don’t tell her about it. [正] I think youd better not tell her about it. [简析] 在助动词#65380;情态动词#65380;had better以及“Will you please...?”等后面应该跟不带 to的动词不定式#65377;若要表达否定意义,则用“not + 动词原形”#65377; 【真题演练】 ① ―Mom, Im going out with my classmates tonight. ―OK. But you’d better__________ back too late. A. don’t come B. not to come C. not coming D. not come(2005年威海市) ② Would you please__________Kate__________my best wishes to everybody? A. tell; give B. telling; giving C. tell; to give D. say; gives(2005年聊城市) ③ Look! How heavy the rain is! You’d better__________ . A. don’t go now B. stay here when it stops C. not leave until it stops D. not to leave at once(2005年河北省) ④ When you are sleeping, you had better__________all your windows closed. A. dont keep B. not keep C. not to keep D. not keeping(2006年南通市) Key: ① D② C③ C④ B 2. 我终于使他改变了主意#65377; [误] I made him to change his mind at last. [正] I made him change his mind at last. [简析] 在 make, have, let 等使役动词后面应跟不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语#65377;若这些使役动词为被动形式,则其后充当主语补足语的动词不定式应带 to#65377; 【真题演练】 ① Internet bars shouldnt let people under 18 in or let anybody__________ bad things. A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watched(2005年哈尔滨市) ② Many boys and girls are made__________what theyre not__________ . A. to do; interested B. to do; interested in C. do; interested in D. doing; interested(2005年青岛市) ③ Who do you think youd like__________with you, a boy or a girl? A. to let to go B. letting to go C. to let go D. let go(2005年杭州市) ④ Though he had often made his little sister__________ , today he was made __________ by his little sister. A. cry; cry B. to cry; to cry C. cry; to cry D. to cry; cry(2005年


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