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5 2 V o.l 5 2009 4 Chinese Journal o f U nderground Sp ace and Eng ineering A pr. 2009 * 采用AN SYS 软件讨论无衬砌黄土隧洞安全系数 邱陈瑜 郑颖人 宋雅坤 ( 4 00041) : 通过分析黄土隧洞的破坏机理 借鉴有限元强度折减 的思想 在黄土隧洞稳定 性分析中提出剪切安全系数与拉裂安全系数的概念通过不断折减土体的抗剪强度参数 使 黄土隧洞围岩塑性区不断扩展 直至塑性应变或位移发生突变时 即表明隧洞发生剪切破坏 此时的折减系数即为剪切安全系数通过不断折减土体的抗拉强度参数 使黄土隧洞内临空 面处( 不包括底部临空面) 围岩出现第一 个单元拉裂破坏时 即表明隧洞发生拉裂破坏 此时 的折减系数即为拉裂安全系数为了保证黄土隧洞的整体安全性 在隧洞设计中必须给出上 述两种不同的设计安全系数值 : 黄土隧洞; 有限元强度折减 ; 剪切安全系数; 拉裂安全系数; 破裂面 : U45 : A : 1673- 0836 ( 2009) 02- 0291- 0 6 Exploring the Safety Factors of Unlined Loess Tunnel by ANSYS Q IU Chenyu ZH ENG Y ingren SONG Y akun (D ep ar tm ent of C iv il E ng ineering, L og istical E ng ineer ing Univ ersity, Chong q ing 40004 1, P . R . Ch ina) Abstract: T hrough ana ly zing the fa ilure m echan ism o f loess tunne l apply ing the idea of strength redu ction f in ite elem ent m ethod the de fin ition o f shea r sa fety factor and ten sile sa fety factor can be got during the stability ana lys is o f loess tunnel. W ith the c - tan redu ction the p lastic zones o f rock m ass keep expand ing. W hen the va lu e o f the nod al d isplacem ent or p lastic stra in h as a big jump comp ared w ith th at be fo re fa ilure thism eans th at the loess tunnel rea ches shear failure the redu ction fac to r is ju st the shea r sa fety facto r. W ith the tens ile redu ction loess tunne l reaches ten sile fa ilure w hen the f irst e lem ent o f rock m ass a round loess tunne l free face fails in ten sion except for the bottom free face. The redu ction factor is ju st the


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