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浙江旅游职业学院 2004学年第一学期 03英语1 班 《综合英语 》期终考试试卷(A) 班级________学号__________姓名________得分_____ 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分 得 分 Comprehension (2X15=30): Passage 1: Georgia is the home state of corn bread, barbecue peach pie, and a whole of really fat people ---- 21.1 percent of the state’s population, to be exact, is obese. Ten years ago, the corn bread, barbecue, and peach pie were all just as good as they are now, but only 9.5 percent of Georgians were obese. What changed? Obesity is skyrocketing in every age group, in every race, in both genders, and in every state of the union. The most obese region in the country remains the South ---- four out of the five, but the spectacular recent growth in obesity is nationwide, led by Georgia but followed by New Mexico, Virginia, California, and Vermont. In 1991, a little over 12 percent of the country was obese; by 1999, it was 20 percent. Well, one thing that’s changed is the portion sizes at fast food joints like McDonald’s. In 1970, McDonald’s offered one size of French fries; today that size is called “small”. Eventually, it introduced a new size and called it “large”; today that size is called “medium”. There is a new large size, but you don’t have to settle for that ---- you can always “supersize” it and go a step beyond large. Therefore, bigger portions don’t necessarily translate into bigger meals. When portions were small, you could buy two orders of fries and eat them both; now that portions are enormous, you can buy one supersized order and share it with your family. People are eating more fries these days, and there comes a questions: Do big meals cause obesity or does obesity cause big meals? Did Macdonald’s decision on a whim o fatten us up or did its market research reveal that bigger customers were demanding bigger portions? My money’s on the latter. After all, McDonald’s was presumably just as greedy in 1970 as it is today, so if we had wanted supersizes back then, we’d presumably have gotten them. Which s


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