2011 AMC 10B Problems 详解16-25.docx

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2011 AMC 10B Problems 详解16-25

2011 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 16ProblemA dart board is a regular octagon divided into regions as shown. Suppose that a dart thrown at the board is equally likely to land anywhere on the board. What is probability that the dart lands within the center square?SolutionIf the side lengths of the dart board and the side lengths of the center square are all??then the side length of the legs of the triangles are?.Use?Geometric probability?by putting the area of the desired region over the area of the entire region.2011 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 17ProblemIn the given circle, the diameter??is parallel to?, and??is parallel to?. The angles??and??are in the ratio?. What is the degree measure of angle??SolutionWe can let??be??and??be??because they are in the ratio?. When an?inscribed anglecontains the?diameter, the inscribed angle is a?right angle. Therefore by?triangle sum theorem,??and?.?because they are?alternate interior angles?and?. Opposite angles in acyclicquadrilateral aresupplementary, so. Use substitution to get2011 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 18ProblemRectangle??has??and?. Point??is chosen on side??so that?. What is the degree measure of??SolutionIt is given that. Sinceandarealternate interior anglesand,?. Use theBase Angle Theoremto show. We know thatis arectangle, so it follows that?. We notice thatis a?triangle, and. If we letbe the measure ofthen2011 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 19ProblemWhat is the product of all the roots of the equationSolutionFirst, square both sides, and isolate the absolute value.Solve for the absolute value and factor.However, this is not the final answer. Plug it back into the original equation to ensure it still works. Whether the number is positive or negative does not matter since the absolute value or square will cancel it out anyways.The roots of this equation are??and??and product is2011 AMC 10B Problems/Problem 20ProblemRhombus??has side length??and?°. Region??consists of all points inside the rhombus that are closer to vertex??than any of



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