Unit 5 First aid 写作课课例.doc

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Unit 5 First aid 写作课课例

Unit 5 First aid 写作课课例 林翠菊 ? ? 教学内容:自行设计一份写作练习,重点复习本单元所学的重点词汇、短语、日常交际用语及语法等,上一节巩固复习课。 ? 教学目标:通过多种方式的写作练习达到自由写作的目的。 ? 教学步骤: ? 步骤一:听写 ? ?????? fall ill;injury;get burned;organ;treatment;tissue;swollen;in place;bandage;squeeze out;jewellery;bravery;put ones hands on;ambulance;ceremony;throat;depend on;present ? 步骤二:小测试 ? (一)单词拼写 1.She got badly?????????????????? ?(受伤)in the accident. 2.Be quick! His noise???????????????????? ?(流血). 3.We can live without clothes,but food and drink are?????????????????? (基本的). 4.Good planning is one of the?????????????????? (特征)of a successful business. 5.His?????????????????? (勇敢)inspired all the teenagers in the country. 6.At a c?????????????????? the brave girl was awarded. 7.There are several a?????????????????? waiting for the patients. 8.First aid is a very important step in the t?????????????????? of burns. 9.My father bought an e?????????????????? bike yesterday. 10.Remember to cover the burned area with a dry and clean b?????????????????? . ? (二)词组活用 cut off??? cut in??? cut down??? cut up??? cut through 1.The little girl kept?????????????????? on our conversation. 2.Our water supply has?????????????????? for a month. 3.I used to????????????? the playground on my way home. 4.We need to????????????? the cost of our daily life in the city. 5.He????????????? the meat on the plate before cooking it. ? (三)句型翻译 1.Whether to go there or not????????????? (取决于天气). 2.Dont rub the burned area,as this may break any blisters and????????????? ?(伤口会感染). 3.????????????? ?(是约翰的快速反应和急救知识)saved Ms Slades life. 4.It shows that a knowledge of first aid????????????? (的确能发挥作用). 5.????????????? ?(毫无疑问) that we have made great development in the past years. ? (四)课文重组 ?????? First aid is the first kind of help given to someone when suddenly falls?????? 1????? ?or get injured before a doctor can be found.In this unit, lets study the first aid for??? 2??????? .The skin is an ??????3?????? ?part of our body.It keeps your body cool.It 4??????


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