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品味三亚独特的夜生活 Sanyas mild climate, sandy beaches and numerous hotel-resorts are already a draw for Russian and Chinese tourists, as well as a sizable number of Westerners from Hong Kong and China. 三亚温和的气候、沙滩和无数不清的酒店度假村已经吸引了众多的俄罗斯和中国游客,以及很多来自居住在香港和中国大陆的西方游客人。 But,the island was a penal colony during imperial times for officials who fell out of favor with the emperor and remained mostly an agricultural and fishing backwater until 1988, when the region was designated by the Chinese central government as a special economic zone. 在封建时代,海南岛是失去皇帝恩宠的官员们的流放地,而在1988年被中国政府设立为经济特区以前,这里基本上仍是个依靠农耕和捕鱼为生的闭塞地区。 Today, Sanyas accommodations include some of the worlds top hotel brands. Theres also a yacht marina and luxury condo developments, and a reputation for being a playground for Chinas rich and famous: Sanya has hosted the Miss World competition five times in the last 10 years. The city of more than half a million received about nine million visitors in 2010, almost three times the amount that came here in 2004, according to the Chinas official statistics. 如今,一些全球最高档的酒店都在三亚落脚。这里还建有一座游艇码头和不少众多豪华公寓,中国的富商名流纷至沓来:三亚在过去10年举办了五次“世界小姐”(Miss World)选美大赛。从中国官方统计数字来看,拥有50多万人口的三亚在2010年接待了大约900万游客,是将近2004年游客数量的将近3倍。 Our evening begins away from the crowds, at the Sunset Bar in the Mandarin Oriental hotel. An open-air space with a beautiful sweeping view of Dadong Bay, the Sunset Bar is the best place in town to watch dusk fall over the South China Sea. Sipping a mojito in a rattan chair, its possible to believe that perhaps Sanya might achieve its luxurious ambitions. 我们的夜晚从远离喧嚣人群的文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental hotel)日落吧(Sunset Bar)开始。露天的环境,再加上美丽的大东海(Dadong Bay)海景,日落吧是三亚观赏夜幕降临南中国海的最佳地点。在藤椅里呷一口莫吉托(mojito)鸡尾酒,你可能会有理由相信三亚或许真的可以实现它的雄心壮志。 Off to dinner, and given Sanyas oceanic location, seafood is the obvious choice. Beachfront options abound, but a taxi driver recommendation is the Binhai Seafood Village at the corner of Sanya Wan Lu and Youyi Jie. Diners pick from clams of all shapes and sizes,


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