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What are the basic tools of QFD? The basic tools of QFD are Project Roadmaps, Documents, Lists and Matrices. A Project Roadmap defines the flow of data through a QFD project. Documents record background information for a project. A Matrix is simply a format for showing the relationships between two or more Lists. Lists form the input rows and output columns of the Matrices. Examples of Lists include: User Benefits, Measures, Basic Expectations, Functions, and Alternative Concepts. Lists generally have other Related Data associated with them. For example, the priorities and perceived performance ratings resulting from Market Research would be associated with the List of Benefits. Importance values would also be associated with Measures and Functions. Matrices are used to relate two or more Lists to each other, thus deploying or transferring the importance from the input lists to the output lists. For example, a common Matrix relates Measures to User Benefits. Another Matrix could be used to relate Measures to both User Benefits and Basic Expectations. Matrices are a flexible tool which can be configured to the particular needs of each project. The Four-Phase approach uses a QFD Matrix to translate Customer Wants into Product Characteristics. The Product Characteristics are then translated through another QFD Matrix into Part Characteristics. Part Characteristics are translated into Process Characteristics. Finally, Process Characteristics are translated into Production Controls. There are many other approaches. In fact, the flavor of QFD is often what differentiates one consultant from another. However, almost everyone agrees that for QFD to be successfully implemented within an organization, it must be adapted to the particular situation surrounding its use. 质量屋的组成元素 4. 相互关系 6. 目标 3. 技术要求 5. 权衡 WHATs WHATs vs. HOWs HOWs HOWs vs. HOWs HOW MUCH WHATs vs. WHYs 1.顾客需求 2.策划矩阵 质量屋的形式 它是设计类方法,不是解析类方法 质量机能展开与其说是一种方法,倒不如说它是一种系统管理的思想在新产品开发中的具体体现更为贴切。 它将策划、开发、设


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