·综述· 网络药理学在中药研究中的最新应用进展.pdf

·综述· 网络药理学在中药研究中的最新应用进展.pdf

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·综述· 网络药理学在中药研究中的最新应用进展

·2938 · 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 第 47 卷 第 16 期 2016 年 8 月 ·综 述· 网络药理学在中药研究中的最新应用进展 * 李泮霖,苏薇薇 中山大学生命科学学院,广东省中药上市后质量与药效再评价工程技术研究中心,广东省植物资源重点实验室,广东 广州 510275 摘 要:中药具有多成分、多靶点、系统调节的特点,与近年来发展起来的网络药理学核心思想不谋而合。因此,将网络药 理学引入中药的研究,有助于透彻了解中药治病的整体性和系统性。从预测和辨识中药作用靶点及活性成分群、阐明作用机 制、科学解释组方规律、发现新的适应症、发现新的活性化合物及与组学技术结合应用等几个方面,对网络药理学在中药研 究中的最新进展进行综述,以期有更多的人了解和应用这一新技术。 关键词:网络药理学;中药;作用靶点;组方规律;组学技术 中图分类号:R285 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2016)16 - 2938 - 05 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.0253-2670.2016.16.028 Recent progress in applying network pharmacology to research of Chinese materia medica LI Pan-lin, SU Wei-wei Guangdong Engineering and Technology Research Center for Quality and Efficacy Re-evaluation of Post-marketed TCM; Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources; School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China Abstract: Chinese materia medica (CMM) has the multi-component, multi-target, and multi-pathway characteristics, which are coincided with the theory of network pharmacology. Therefore, applying network pharmacology to CMM researches will be helpful to explain the effects of CMM in the treatment of complex diseases holistically and systematically. In this paper, the recent progress in the applications of network pharmacology in CMM studies has been reviewed, including prediction and identification of targets and core bioactive components, clarification of the mechanism of action, explanation of the prescription composition rules, development of new indications, discovery of new active compounds and the combined application of network pharmacology and omics technologies, so as to accelerate the extensive applications of this new technology. Key words: network pharmacology; Chine


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