1 Balanced Binary Search Tree - University of (1平衡二叉搜索树-大学).pdf

1 Balanced Binary Search Tree - University of (1平衡二叉搜索树-大学).pdf

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1 Balanced Binary Search Tree - University of (1平衡二叉搜索树-大学)

By Wing Ning Li 2012 In the review of binary search trees, we notices that it is possible that a binary search tree becomes unbalanced and degenerates into a linked list. For instance, if we insert 1, 2, 3, . . . n into an empty tree. Now the time to insert n elements becomes quadratic in n and we have some idea about the quadratic run time in our earlier project. One idea to overcome the unbalance is to make sure that elements are ran- domly inserted into a binary search tree and hope that the randomness could make the tree more balanced. Since we may not be able to control the way elements are inserted, another idea is to dynamically adjust the binary search tree so that certain balanced condition is maintained. We want to make sure the time spent in adjusting the tree is in proportion to the height of the tree. We have used term without defining it and mainly appeal to our intuition. Formally, a tree is if h = Θ(logn), where h is the height of the tree and n is the number of nodes in the tree. Since for a binary tree that is completely filled at every level, h logn, we only need to show h = O(logn). We will consider two well known balanced binary search trees: AVL trees and Red-Black trees. Let us state the definition of an AVL tree first. An is a binary search tree with the additional properties: • Basis: An empty binary search tree is an AVL tree. • Recursion (induction): For a nonempty binary search tree, it is an AVL tree provided | h(SL) − h(SR ) |≤ 1, where h(SL) and h(SR ) are heights of left subtree, SL , and right subtree, SR , of the root respectively; and both subtrees are AVL trees. It is instructive to consider a few binary search trees to see if they are AVL trees or not. We have


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