3 Water Treatment NOTES - Cornell University(3水处理笔记康奈尔大学).pdf

3 Water Treatment NOTES - Cornell University(3水处理笔记康奈尔大学).pdf

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3 Water Treatment NOTES - Cornell University(3水处理笔记康奈尔大学)

3 Water Treatment NOTES Cornell Cooperative Extension, College of Human Ecology Activated Carbon Treatment of Drinking Water ANN LEMLEY, LINDA WAGENET AND BARBERA KNEEN Fact sheet 3 December 1995 Activated carbon filtration (AC) is effective in reduc- If the level of any contaminant exceeds the maxi- ing certain organic chemicals and chlorine in water. It mum, treatment must be undertaken or new sources can also reduce the quantity of lead in water although of potable (drinkable) water provided. Private water most lead-reducing systems use another filter medium systems must be tested at the owners initiative to de- in addition to carbon. Water is passed through granu- termine whether treatment is needed. Decisions to do lar or block carbon material to reduce toxic com- costly testing should be made based on knowledge of pounds as well as harmless taste- and odor-producing contamination incidents that can affect the private chemicals. This fact sheet discusses the principles and water supply. processes of typical activated carbon filtration sys- tems. Principles of activated carbon filtration People are increasingly concerned about contami- There are two basic types of water filters: particulate nants in their drinking water that cannot be removed filters and adsorptive/reactive filters. Particulate fil- by water softeners or physical filtration. Solvents, ters exclude particles by size, and adsorptive/reactive pesticides, industrial wastes, and leaking underground filters conta



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