3.0 Exhaust Muffler Design Principles 3.1 Basic (3.0排气消声器设计原则3.1基本).pdf

3.0 Exhaust Muffler Design Principles 3.1 Basic (3.0排气消声器设计原则3.1基本).pdf

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3.0 Exhaust Muffler Design Principles 3.1 Basic (3.0排气消声器设计原则3.1基本)

3.0 Exhaust Muffler Design Principles 3.1 Basic Concepts Internal combustion engines are typically equipped with an exhaust muffler to suppress the acoustic pulse generated by the combustion process. A high intensity pressure wave generated by combustion in the engine cylinder propagates along the exhaust pipe and radiates from the exhaust pipe termination. The pulse repeats at the firing frequency of the engine which is defined by f=( engine rpm x number of cylinders)/120 for a four stroke engine. The frequency content of exhaust noise is dominated by a pulse at the firing frequency, but it also has a broadband component to its spectrum which extends to higher frequencies. Measurements of the exhaust pipe pressure pulse on a Continental O- 200 engine [4] show that the majority of the pulse energy lies in the frequency range of 0- 600 Hz. Exhaust mufflers are designed to reduce sound levels at these frequencies. In general, sound waves propagating along a pipe can be attenuated using either a dissipative or a reactive muffler. A dissipative muffler uses sound absorbing material to take energy out of the acoustic motion in the wave, as it propagates through the muffler. Reactive silencers, which are commonly used in automotive applications, reflect the sound waves back towards the source and prevent sound from being transmitted along the pipe. Reactive silencer design is based either on the principle of a Helmholtz resonator or an expansion chamber, and requires the use of acoustic transmission line theory. In a Helmholtz resonator design a cavity is attached to the exhaust pipe. At a specific frequency the cavity will resonate and the waves in the exhaust pipe are reflected back towards the source. However there are also pass band frequencies where the resonator has no effect and so resonator muffler


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