A simple formula for estimating global solar (一个简单的公式估算全球太阳能).pdf

A simple formula for estimating global solar (一个简单的公式估算全球太阳能).pdf

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A simple formula for estimating global solar (一个简单的公式估算全球太阳能)

ARTICLE IN PRESS Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 1002–1010 /locate/renene A simple formula for estimating global solar radiation in central arid deserts of Iran Ali A. Sabziparvar College of Agriculture, Bu–Ali Sina University, Azadegan Blvd., Chrmsazi St., Hamedan 65174, Iran Received 21 September 2006; accepted 12 June 2007 Available online 31 July 2007 Abstract Over the last two decades, using simple radiation models has been an interesting task to estimate daily solar radiation in arid and semi- arid deserts such as those in Iran, where the number of solar observation sites is poor. In Iran, most of the models used so far, have been validated for a few specific locations based on short-term solar observations. In this work, three different radiation models (Sabbagh, Paltridge, Daneshyar) have been revised to predict the climatology of monthly average daily solar radiation on horizontal surfaces in various cities in central arid deserts of Iran. The modifications are made by the inclusion of altitude, monthly total number of dusty days and seasonal variation of Sun–Earth distance. A new height-dependent formula is proposed based on MBE, MABE, MPE and RMSE statistical analysis. It is shown that the revised Sabbagh method can be a good estimator for the prediction of global solar radiation in arid and semi-arid deserts with an average error of less than 2%, that performs a more accurate prediction than those in the previous studies. The required data for the suggested me


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