EvErything has a PricE - Shadowrun(所有的东西都有一个价格- Shadowrun).pdf

EvErything has a PricE - Shadowrun(所有的东西都有一个价格- Shadowrun).pdf

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EvErything has a PricE - Shadowrun(所有的东西都有一个价格- Shadowrun)

EvErything has a PricE The year is 2075, and if you want to survive this Deals are made in steel and lead more often than world, you need to figure out what you are willing gold or nuyen; success and failure live only a razor’s to pay. Megacorporations call the shots here, making edge apart. You may trade a piece of your soul to gain most of the common citizens dance to their tune—or bleeding-edge gear, or you may learn how to bend crushing them underfoot if they dare interfere with and twist magic that threatens to overwhelm you. the pursuit of ever-expanding profit. Most people Whatever you do, do it fast, because its a dan- don’t have the will to fight back, but there are some gerous world. Creatures of myth and legend walk people called shadowrunners who stand as the last the streets, while the arcane skills of spellslingers spark of independence. You are one of them, fighting are in high demand. And of course the monolithic to survive and maybe thrive. You may be human, elf, megacorps bleed the world dry, sabotaging each dwarf, ork or troll, but whatever you are, you will be other in covert cutthroat competition as they go tested to your limits if you want to have any chance to war over the bottom line. But this is where you in this world. come in. They may not like you, they may want to Standing up to the mightiest powers in the world crush you, but they need you and your skills. You isn’t easy, but you are not defenseless. The world may be a lethal street samurai or well-connected is both Awakened, filled with renewed magic, and info broker, a spell-slingin


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