PROBLEM BASED ON AGES - Complete Details(基于年龄的问题,完整的细节).pdf

PROBLEM BASED ON AGES - Complete Details(基于年龄的问题,完整的细节).pdf

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PROBLEM BASED ON AGES - Complete Details(基于年龄的问题,完整的细节)

Quantitative Aptitude PROBLEM BASE D O N AGES In Problem s base d on ages usually relationship s between the age s of tw o or mor e person s at two differ- ent time are given and we are required to find the age s of these persons . Suc h problem s can be solved by the knowledge of Linear Equations . However , in certain cases we can find short-cut method s of deriving direct formulae . Thi s will save lot of preciou s time . Time - scale i s divided into three parts -past, present and future. Problem s usually state the relaUonship be - tween age s of person s for tw o out of three part s of time-scale . Thes e relationship s are either in the form of ratio of their ages or alternatively as numbe r of times ones age is of the other . Sometimes , instead of stat - ing the ratio of ages of two person s for two different parts of time scale , only on e such relationship is giv- en . Th e other condition is stated in one of these forms - sum of their ages , difference of their age s or product of their ages . Th e main point that we hav e to see (e.g. , in case of two persons) that there are tw o unknown s (ages of tw o persons) to be found and henc e we mus t hav e two uniqu e relationship s to solve these problems . Al - though type s of problem s on age s can b e too many , w e will try to cover here all those types of problem s whic h are commonly asked in competitiv e exams . Ex. 1 . Th e ag e of father 3 year s ag o wa s 8 time s the age of hi s son . Presently the fathers age is 5 time s that of the son . Find their present ages . Sol. Let the present age of son be x years . Then , the present ag



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