以植物油溶解回收废聚苯乙烯之可行 研究.pdf

以植物油溶解回收废聚苯乙烯之可行 研究.pdf

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以植物油溶解回收废聚苯乙烯之可行 研究

以植物油溶解回收廢聚苯乙烯之可行性 研究* Feasibility Study on Dissolution and Recovery of Polystyrene Waste in * Plant-Derived Oils 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 S.H. Chen , J.F. Li , S.M. Shih , R.B. Lin The p oly styrene (P S) mater ials were dissolved in plant-derived oil, and then the solution was subj oted to evap or at ion or a pr ecipit at ion t o r ecover the P S. The (GP S)(EP S) ranking of the measured dissolution rates of PS in oils was: citru s peel oil camphor white oil turpentine oil. The dissolution r ate was increased w ith the increaing t emp er at u r e an d st ir r in g sp e ed . Th e d i ssolut ion of exp anded P S (EP S) and gen er al P S (GP S) wer e b oth GP SEP S EP SGP S cont r ol led by m a ss t r an sfer ; an d t h e m a ss t r an sfer coefficient was the highest in citrus peel oil and the lowest in turpentine oil. The average molecular weight (Mw) and glass transition temperature (Tg) of the PS regenerated by evaporation method were lower than those of the original PS, probably due to the damage of molecular structures 85% by higher evaporation temperature. Recovery of PS by the evaporation method was about 85%. The PS regenerated by precipitation in ethanol or acetone had the M and T w g similar to those of the original PS. Increasing the quantity of ethanol or acetone increased the recovery of PS, which was about


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