
2017 Southwest Elite Racing Festival–Round 2 2017西南精英赛车节.DOC

2017 Southwest Elite Racing Festival–Round 2 2017西南精英赛车节.DOC

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2017 Southwest Elite Racing Festival–Round 2 2017西南精英赛车节

2017 Southwest Elite Racing Festival–Round 2 2017西南精英赛车节 - 第2站 - 1st-2nd/July/2017 報名表 / Entry Form ?提名人/Team: 參賽者Competitor: 國籍(Nationality): 身份證號碼(I/D No.):血型(Blood Group): 賽車證 (Competition Lic.):出生日期(Date of Birth): 地址(Address): 電話(Tel No.):傳真(Fax): 手提(Mobile): 參賽摩托車資料Competition Bike Details 摩托車品牌(Bike Brand Name): 摩托車型號(Bike Model): 年份(Year): 車架號(Chassis No.): 發動機號(Engine No.): 顏色(Colour): 汽缸容積(cc): 本人(參賽者)及隊員已閱讀本賽事之規則,並同意接受該項由國際運動規則及中国及香港區賽車運動規則所約束之規章,在我要求賽會批准這申請或在被接納時、同意不會因任何意外受傷或死亡或財物損失向該地政府及有關機構及成都國際賽車場,、推廣機構、賽事委員會和委員、主辦機構、工作人員或任何有關代理團體,包括任何政府軍方機構及個人、或其他有關之行政部門、組織部門或贊助商公司或任何個人採取追究、索償等行動。本人同意協議對參賽者其司機、乘客、維修人員、隊員或其他人士在比賽及比賽途中的旅程上有相同約束力,而遑論該等事故是否由有關機構、其工作人員、服務員、代表或代理的疏忽而產生者。 I have read the Regulations issued for this Meeting and agree to be bound by them and the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the F.I.A., F.I.M. and the China, Hong Kong National Sporting Codes. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry or of my being permitted to take part in this Meeting. I agree to save harmless and keep in-damnify the Government and Municipal Authorizes ,the Chengdu International Circuit, The Promoters, the Organizing and Race Committee, their respective officials, servants, representatives and agents, including any military or civil authority or personnel, or any firm of individual connected with the administration, organization or sponsorship of the race meeting from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss, damage or delay to the person and property of myself, my driver(s), passenger(s), mechanic(s), or team members, or any other person accompanying any of them (as the case may be) howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with this entry or my taking part in this Meeting or transportation to or from this Meeting and not with-standing that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said bodies, their officials, servants, represent


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