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34 4 Vol34 N o4 2009 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT Apr. 2009 : 1674- 6139( 2009) 04- 0025- 04 肖锦华 ( , 410004) : 分析并阐述了中国部分主要城市土壤重金属污染的来源危害污染现状及污染 征, 以及随着中国城 市化进程的加快, 今后应对于城市土壤重金属污染的研究引起广泛的关注城市土壤重金属的来源非常复杂, 目前的研究主要局限于定性描述和相关分析, 因此在治理方面应根据城市土壤污染的 点及所处环境进行对 策研究, 并应结合人体健康评估和土地利用方式而制定相应的法规和标准此外, 对重金属的来源进行定量分 析, 对于控制日益严重的城市土壤重金属污染具有重要意义, 也是今后土壤重金属研究分析的重点 : 城市土壤; 重金属污染; 研究进展; 对策 : X 53 : B Ch inaRe earch and Counterm ea ure ofH eavy- M etal Contam ination of U rban So il X iao Jinhua ( College of Re ou rce and Environment, Central South U n iver ity of Fore try and Technology, Chang ha 410004, Ch ina) Abstract:Th i paper elaborated the origin, the harm, the p re ent ituation and the characteri tic of heavy metal pollu tion of the urban oil in om e area of Ch ina. W ith the qu icken ing pace of our country urban ization cour e, w ide pread attention upon the urban oil heavymetal pollu tion re earch hou ld be arou ed. Now aday re earch mainly focu e on qualitative de cription and correlative analy i ince the re earch on urban oil heavy metal pollu tion i very complex. R e earcher hou ld act accord ing to the characteri tic of the city oil pollution and the env ironment it locate to conduct the countermea u re re earch, and the government hou ld un ify the hum an body health apprai al and the land u tilization w ay to make the corre pond ing law , regulation and the tandard . Be ide , quantitative analy i of ource of heavy metal pollution i e ential to controlling the more and more eriou ituation of u rban oil heavy m etal pollu tion and i al o the empha e of fu tu re analy i of oil heavy metal pollu tion. eywords: urban oil; heavym etal pollu



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