架空输电线路分裂导线扭转刚度的计算 - 电网技术.pdf

架空输电线路分裂导线扭转刚度的计算 - 电网技术.pdf

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架空输电线路分裂导线扭转刚度的计算 - 电网技术

第34 卷 第3 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 34 No. 3 2010 年3 月 Power System Technology Mar. 2010 文章编号:1000-3673 (2010 )03-0210-05 中图分类号:TM 751 文献标志码:A 学科代码:470·4051 架空输电线路分裂导线扭转刚度的计算 朱宽军,刘彬 (中国电力科学研究院,北京市海淀区 100192 ) Calculation of Torsional Stiffness of Bundle Conductors in Overhead Transmission Lines ZHU Kuan-jun, LIU Bin (China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China) ABSTRACT: According to nonlinear characteristic of the 裂导线的扭转刚度更复杂,对导线结构动力特性的 torsion of bundled conductors, a method to calculate the 影响更加明显[1-3] ;其扭转振动频率接近于垂直或水 torsional stiffness of bundled conductors by finite element 平振动频率,更易发生舞动[4] 。分裂导线扭转刚度 numerical model is proposed. By means of modeling of 是影响扭转频率的关键参数,同时也是建立分裂导 conductors, spacing rod and connection mode of transmission 线多自由度动力学模型的重要参数。因此,准确计 line with tower, the torsional stiffness of bundled conductors with large deflection, severe torsion and geometrical 算分裂导线扭转刚度是进行输电线路设计及分析 nonlinearity can be accurately calculated. The effectiveness of 的重要环节。 the proposed method is verified by calculation example. By 关于分裂导线扭转刚度,已有的研究成果有: means of analyzing structural characteristic of bundled 文献[1,4]提出的分裂导线扭转计算模型,Nigol 模 conductors, the impact of ice-coating around conductor on 型;文献[5]在Nigol 模型的基础上提出的Wang 模 torsion characteristic and the property of local torsion of 型。这些理论计算模型是基于特定的假设条件推导 bundled conductors, the variation law of torsional stiffness of bundled conductors varying



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