水稻重金属含量与土壤质量的关系 - 环境监测管理与技术.pdf

水稻重金属含量与土壤质量的关系 - 环境监测管理与技术.pdf

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水稻重金属含量与土壤质量的关系 - 环境监测管理与技术

14 3 2002 6 韩爱民, 蔡继红, 屠锦河, 朱伊君 ( 淮安市环境监测中心站, 江苏 淮安 223001) :/ 0 , , : ; , : ; , :; ; ; :X830 :B : 1006- 2009(2002) 03- 0027- 02 Correlati on of Heavy Metal s Contained in Paddy Rice and Soil Quali ty HAN A-i min, CAI J-i hong, T Jin-he, ZH Y-i jun ( H ua ian Env ir onmental M on itori ng Cent er , H uai an, Jiangs u 223001, Ch ina) Abstract: Relationship of heavy metals contained in paddy rice and soil quality was researched base on related materials. The content of heavy metals in paddy rice was, roor stem seed. Adsorption of heavy metals in seed was different. For brown rice, it is As Cd Hg Pb Mn Cr Cu Zn. The content of Cu and Cr traced from brown rice hadsignificant correlation with the content of Cu and Cr in soil, and there had no significant correlation for Pb, Zn, Mn. Key words: Paddy rice; Soil; Heavy metal; Correlation , 6 , , 113 样品保存制作和分析方法 / [ 1] [ 2] 0 , 114 生产基地水质 气环境质量 [3] ; [ 4] , [5] 1 111 采样地点 2 17 211 土壤本底状况 , 8 1 112 采样方法 1 ,[6] , 3177% , ; :2002- 02- 01 : ( 1955) ) , , , , 5


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