特高压直流换流站外绝缘海拔修正方法的选择 - 电网技术.pdf

特高压直流换流站外绝缘海拔修正方法的选择 - 电网技术.pdf

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特高压直流换流站外绝缘海拔修正方法的选择 - 电网技术

32 卷 13 期 电 网 技 术 Vol. 32 No. 13 2008 年7 月 Power System Technology Jul. 2008 文章编号:1000-3673 (2008 )13-0001-04 中图分类号:TM721.1 ;TM853 文献标识码:A 学科代码:470 4034 特高压直流换流站外绝缘海拔修正方法的选择 定珍,袁智勇 (国网直流工程建设有限公司,北京市 东城区 100005 ) Selection of Altitude Correction Methods for External Insulation of UHVDC Converter Station NIE Ding-zhen,YUAN Zhi-yong (State Grid DC Proj ect Construction Company Limited,Dongcheng District,Beijing 100005,China ) ABSTRACT: In China ’s first 800kV UHVDC project , new 电压等级的提高使设备外绝缘的制造难度越来越 converter stations will be located at the area with the altitude 大,甚至制约了设备的生产,因 设备外绝缘的海 higher than 1000m. To ensure secure and reliable operation of 拔修正仍然是特高压直流输电技术中十分关键的 equipments configured in these converter substations, the attitude [1-2] 问题 。另一方面,由于电压等级的提高,放电电 correction of external insulation level of these equipments should 压也更高,而在较高的放电电压下,高海拔条件对 be made. The authors present the methods for attitude correction 外绝缘放电电压的降低作用具有减小的趋势,所以 applied home and abroad, compare the impacts of various 对设备外绝缘进行海拔修正时应充分利用这一特 correction methods on insulation level of equipments, and pay special attention to the methods which correct the withstand 点,以使外绝缘修正更加合理。 voltage and pollution flashover voltage for external insulation of 目前,对设备外绝缘进行海拔修正的标准和方 equipments configured in the


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