矿井直流电法三维正演计算的若干问题 - 物探与化探.pdf

矿井直流电法三维正演计算的若干问题 - 物探与化探.pdf

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矿井直流电法三维正演计算的若干问题 - 物探与化探

( ) ( ) 中国水稻科学 Ch inese J R ice S ci , 2002, 16 1 : 67~ 70 67 一种叶片直接用作 PCR 扩增的新方法及其应用 汪秀峰 杨剑波 向太和 李 莉 倪大虎 (安徽省农业科学院, 水稻遗传育种农业部重点开放实验室, 安徽 合肥 230031) A N ew M ethod fo r PCR R eaction from A lkali T reated R ice L eaf T issues AN G , AN G , IAN G , I , I W X iu feng Y J ian bo X Tai he L L i N D a hu (K ey L aboratory of R ice Genetic and B reed ing of A g ricu ltu ral M inistry of Ch ina, A nhu i A cad emy of A g ricu ltu ral S ciences, H ef ei 230031 , Ch ina) : , Abstract A new m ethod fo r PCR reaction from a sm all quantity of rice leaf tissue w ith alkali treated w as p resented w hich can be app lied either to identify geno type of rice variety and its purity , o r to assist selection fo r mo lecular breeding. This m ethod is rap id , simp le and reliable , and only needs a sm all part of rice leaf tissue that does no t dam age the w ho le p lant. It does no t need high speed refrigerated centrifuge and the reagents fo r DNA extraction. Especially , it is mo re econom ic and . 300 . effective fo r a large scale PCR tests No rm ally samp les can be p rocessed w ithin a day by this m ethod Key words: rice; genom ic DNA ; mo lecular m arker; po lym erse chain reaction ; identification ; m ethodo logy 摘 要: 以水稻为模式植物研究了利用碱处理叶片直接用作PCR 扩增的模板, 并应用于水稻品种种性和纯度鉴定 以及分子标记辅助田间育种材料的选择中。该方法具有快速、简便、结果可信度高, 重复性好, 对待测植株的损伤小等 特点, 它无需高速冷冻离心机及相应的提取DNA 的试剂, 故试验成本低, 检测所需的时间短。尤其是群体较大时, 此种 方法更是显得经济有效, 利用此种方法在 1 d 内可检测300 份样品。 关键词: 水稻; 基因组DNA ; 分子标记; 聚合酶链式反应;


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