《质数和合数教学设计与反思(Teaching design and reflection and prime number).doc

《质数和合数教学设计与反思(Teaching design and reflection and prime number).doc

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《质数和合数教学设计与反思(Teaching design and reflection and prime number) Teaching design and reflection of prime numbers and number Teaching contents: PEP primary school five years of mathematics and prime number Teaching objectives: 1. to understand the prime and composite numbers, and can determine whether a number is prime or composite, and the natural numbers are classified according to a number of factors. 2. train students to observe carefully, summarize in general, judge accurately, explore independently, think independently, and cooperate and communicate with each other. Teaching emphasis: can accurately judge whether a number is prime or composite. Teaching difficulty: find the prime number within 100 Teaching process: A. Review the introduction (deepen the understanding of the previous knowledge and pave the way for new knowledge) The following number, who is who factor, who is who multiples, who is even, who is odd 3 and 154 and 2449 and 791 and 13 Answer by name. Two. The prime number and the number of the group cooperative learning concept. The whole class is divided into two groups to discuss and write out the factors of the 1~20 numbers. 1. The characteristics of the number of factors observed. 2. Fill out the form before the board. There is only one factor Only 1 and its two factors There are other factors besides 1 and itself 3. The teacher sums up: only 1 and its two factors, such numbers are called prime numbers. In addition to 1 and itself and other factors, the number of the called number. (Writing: prime and composite number) 4. Give an example。 Can you give me some examples of prime numbers? Can you give some examples of the number? Exercise: who is the smallest prime number? Who is the smallest number? How many factors are prime numbers? How much of a factor at least number? 5. Exploration of 1 is prime or composite. As we said earlier, there is another category, that is, there is only one factor. Think about it: there are only one factor. Is there any



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