循环经济三大批判(Three critical critiques of circular economy).doc

循环经济三大批判(Three critical critiques of circular economy).doc

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循环经济三大批判(Three critical critiques of circular economy) Three critical critiques of circular economy 2008-7-28 17:46 Identification of true and false circular economy A: State Environmental Protection Administration listed the typical circular economy pilot units - Baotou Aluminum Industrial Park in 2003 by the State Environmental Protection Administration listed as circular economy pilot units Baotou Aluminum Industrial Park, the park main thermal power development and production of electrolytic aluminum industry system two. The author believes that the Baotou aluminum industry park is not really a typical model of circular economy, which can be analyzed from the following two aspects. What is circular economy? If limited to the academic concept, in accordance with the so-called knowledge community consensus, circular economy is indeed refers to resources recycling and environmental friendly as the basic characteristics of social production (including the production, distribution, exchange, consumption and waste the whole process of the way). This mode of production pursues the goal of 3R (reducing, reusing, recycling) and requires maximum development benefits with as little resource consumption and environmental cost as possible. But the focus of the relevant functional departments of the Department with this concept put forward different understanding, which have big impact in two ways: one is put forward according to the comprehensive economic departments put forward economic development strategy measure -- as long as it is conducive to improving resource productivity can be regarded as a circular economy; two is proposed according to the environmental protection department developed the national experience of circular economy -- understanding is a kind of new pollution control model. All these understandings have a reasonable side, but under the current development environment in our country, it is misleading to guide work with such knowledge. The most important



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