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哈佛校长雷文先生的欢迎辞的advance copy
Introduction of President Hu Jintaoby President Richard C. LevinSprague Hall, Yale UniversityApril 21, 2006Mr. President, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and Mrs. Liu on behalf of our entire community. We are deeply honored that you have chosen to visit Yale. 主席先生,我高兴地代表耶鲁大学的全体师生向您表示热烈欢迎。对您特意造访耶鲁,我们深感荣幸。
Your country has an ancient tradition of reverence for education, and your actions affirm this tradition. During the past decade, you have made massive investments in your universities, strengthening the most excellent of those institutions while broadening access to higher education from less than 5% to more than 15% of your college-age population. Your nation’s focus on education has contributed substantially your historically unprecedented success in lifting more than 200 million of your citizens out of poverty in the past quarter century. We admire these achievements, and, like most Americans, we are hopeful that the development of your economy will be accompanied by continued expansion of the rule of law and strengthening the rights of individuals. 贵国素有尊重教育的古老传统,而您的行动正证实了这一传统。过去10年里,你们大力投资高校。既加强了高等院校中最出类拔萃的学府,也增加了适龄人口接受高等教育的机会,入学率从不足5%增加到15%。过去25年中,两亿多中国人摆脱了贫困,这一前所未有的成绩在很大程度上归功于贵国对中小学教育及大学教育的重视。我们钦佩你们取得的成就。像大多数美国人一样,我们希望,随着贵国教育体制和经济的发展,你们将继续完善法制,加强个人的权利。
These past two summers, Yale has been privileged to host presidents and vice president from fourteen of your leading universities for an intensive ten-day seminar on the policies and practices of the world’s most respected institutions. Our conversations have acknowledged deep differences on important questions of values and national policy. But we also share values in common, chief among them the belief that only through education can one acquire the capacity to think creatively and independently, and thus contribute to scientific and material progress as well as to the humanistic and artistic expression that enriches society. We also agree on the power of