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值得关注的英语动词一词多义 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1.They had been such a happy distraction ( 调剂 ) that I have saved all the postcards and still bring them out to read whenever I need a lift. (2006全国卷II完形填空) save 此处是“保留,保存”的意思 (keep sth to use or enjoy in the future),不是“节省,节约;挽救;储蓄”的意思 例如: Save me some food. 给我留点吃的。 2.Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. (2005年高考山东卷) 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。 stand 最基本的意思是“站、立”。在此是“承受、忍受”的意思。 3.After planting the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves before they started the 950-mile journey back. (2005年辽宁省完形填空) plant 的基本意思是“种植、栽种”。在此是“竖立、安放”的意思(place sth firmly in a particular place or position)。又如: They planted a flag on the summit. 他们在山顶上插了一面旗子。 4.They see you as something of a worrier, seeing problems which don’t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them. (2004年高考重庆卷) see的基本意思是“看见”。 在此是“设想、想象”(imagine);“把…看作”的意思。他们把你看作爱担忧的人,总设想并不存在的问题,真是杞人忧天。此处cross bridges before you come to them 的意思是waste time think about difficulties which may never happen。 5.----- Will $ 200 do ? (2004年高考湖北卷) -----I’m afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars. do的基本意思是“做”。在此是“行、可以、足够”(used for saying that sth is enough or is suitable for a particular purpose )的意思。例如: ----- Can you lend me some money ? ----- Yes, will $100 do? 6.Happy birthday, Alice! So you have turned twenty-one already! (2004年高考天津卷) turn的基本意思是“转动”。在此是“达到(一定年龄或时间)”(become a particular age or a particular time)的意思。又如: She turned 21 in June. 她六月份就二十一岁了。 7.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would help. (2004年高考浙江卷) help的基本意思是“帮助、帮忙”。在此是“好转、有助于”(make a situation better)的意思。又如:More police officers on the street would help. 的意思。又如在新教材高二(上)第七单元有这样的句子: 8.She will one day develop AIDS. 她会在某一天患上爱滋病。 此处develop不再是“发展”的意思。此处有“患上(病)”的意思。 develop 另一种意思是“形成…习惯”。请看 One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to develop healthy eating habits. (2006年高考试题湖北卷) 9.A timely s



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