数据库连接的五要素(Five elements of a database connection).doc

数据库连接的五要素(Five elements of a database connection).doc

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数据库连接的五要素(Five elements of a database connection) Five elements of a database connection: IP address port number (service port number of a database is basically fixed, unless specifically set) means that the driver to select the database username and password (the corresponding database is assigned to the database) issued the SQL statement (through the Statement object to send) JDBC principle JDBC is the connection between JAVA and data. Because ODBC is written entirely in C, it is difficult to implement communication with the C language program in JAVA, thus creating an interface technology for JAVA programs and database connections written by JAVA language. JDBC and database connections JDBC connects to a specific database by automatically loading the driver through classes in the JDBC API class library. Such libraries are typically in the java.sql package, which contains classes for implementing other functions associated with database connections, including establishing connections with databases, sending queries, and accepting query results. The following four categories are described in detail: Effect: To establish a connection to send the SQL statement processing results of connection cn=DriverManager.getConnection and database (jdbc:odbc:wombat, login, password); Statement (stmt=cn.createStatement); / / send SQL statements (select a ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery, B C, from table1); while ((rs.next)) {int x=rs.getInt (a); String s=rs.getString (B); float f=rs.getFloat (C);}// processing results The class DriverManager is used to load the driver, and all its members are static members, so it is not required to instantiate it in the program and can be accessed directly through the class name. The DriverManager class is the management of JDBC, the role of the user and drivers to load the driver Class.forName (company name. The name of the database. The driver name) such as Class.forName (sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcOdbcDriver) to establish a connection to load the Driver



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