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中国可持续城市交通的发展 Sustainable Urban Transport Development in China 西部城市环境友好行动论坛 Western Region Environmental Friendly Action Plan Urumqi July 13, 2006 中国可持续城市交通的发展 – 目录Contents 中国的城市交通问题 Urban Transport Issues in China 拟议的行动 Proposed Actions 世界银行支持的目标 Objectives for World Bank Support 乌鲁木齐市城市交通发展 12条行动计划 Urumqi Urban Transport Development 12 actions 世界银行支持的优先领域 Priority Areas for World Bank Support 世界银行支持的手段 World Bank Support Instruments 中国的城市交通问题 迅速的经济发展、城市化与机动化所带来的日益增长的交通需求 Rapidly increasing transport demand due to rapid economic growth, urbanization, and motorization 大部分大城市未能有效地控制汽车化的进程… Most large cities fail to manage the motorization process… 没有明显的赢家,而贫困人口蒙受的影响最严重… There are no clear winners while the poor are suffering the most… 公共汽车交通是一个脆弱的环节… Public bus transport is at a fragile point… 中国的城市交通问题 在大部分城市,开发大运量轨道交通系统的财力有限 Financial capacity to develop a rail-based mass transit system is limited in most cities… 溢出效应对整体可持续性的威胁越来越严重,同时旅 行机动性持续降低… Spillover effects are threatening the overall sustainability while travel mobility is declining… 缺乏可持续性是城市交通的核心问题… Motorization process should be carefully managed… 中国的城市交通问题 城市规划不能满足迅速的经济及城市发展的需求 Urban planning has failed to meet the needs of rapid economic and urbanization development 缺乏综合的城市土地使用与城市交通规划与发展 Lack of Coordination Land use transportation 缺乏更多、更佳的非机动化交通(步行、骑车)设施 Inadequate facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians 道路与非机动车辆的安全日益严重 Road accidents are increasing in numbers and severity 中国的城市交通问题 缺乏交通管理 Lack of Traffic management 缺乏各独立机构之间的协调 Lack of coordination among fragmented institutions 日益增加的财务机制与资源 Increasing financial mechanisms and resources 拟议的行动 重新确定中央政府在城市交通中的作用以改善协作与风险管理 Redefine the role of the national government in urban transport to enhance coordination and risk management 为城市交通制定问责机制与强化的地方治理结构 Develop accountability mechanisms and a strengthened local governance structure for urban transport 建立机构进行战略规划的能力,作为有效协作的基础 Build up the institutional capacity for strategic pl


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