10年股龄9年亏 终凭独门交易法赚个盆满钵溢_股票实操_学院频道(Ten years of nine-year stock loss will be based on the unique transaction method to make a pot full of the stock of the college channel).doc

10年股龄9年亏 终凭独门交易法赚个盆满钵溢_股票实操_学院频道(Ten years of nine-year stock loss will be based on the unique transaction method to make a pot full of the stock of the college channel).doc

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10年股龄9年亏 终凭独门交易法赚个盆满钵溢_股票实操_学院频道(Ten years of nine-year stock loss will be based on the unique transaction method to make a pot full of the stock of the college channel) 10 shares of age 9 years End by secrete make a ofthe calls _ stock channel field _ school homepage broadband market famous hui winner decisions made in new micro finance institute of finance and economics Dr Bower street shares stocks of search log in registration Stock ticketing stock market stock market stock market stock index futures B small and small board global stock market share new share subscription The famous master of the world watch the live solution of the list online answer questions Stock market online stock software stock software stock market share of the stock market college channel shares real operation body information market share of the stock group 10 years of share of the stock market nine years of the end of the individual transaction method to make a pot full of pot overflowing China stock finance, 20 August 2010 08:19:45: T | T Character: Name: zhang shan Gender: male Age: 31 Work unit: institution Stock market experience: 10 years into the market, after several blood and tears of the lessons, fumble to conclude a set of suitable for your own stock market method. Bullish sector: electronics and engineering construction Bullish stock: zhengtai electric appliance (601877) Current position: A quarter of a position The shape of each egg is different, and just as everyone who is investing in stocks will eventually find a way to be alone. Ten years into the market, zhang shan has failed repeatedly, and every time he kills the stock market, he ends up paying tuition. Until last year, he finally found a set of theories suitable for himself and achieved satisfactory results. In the market The whole family lost half of its annual income In 2000, driven by the desire to make money, zhang shan, a finance student, opened an account. But the problem was: no money. After fierce ideolo


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