10座桥梁飞架巴河南北(10 bridge flying north and south).doc

10座桥梁飞架巴河南北(10 bridge flying north and south).doc

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10座桥梁飞架巴河南北(10 bridge flying north and south) 10 bridge flying north and south /forum.php? Mod = viewthreadtid = 4192022 fromuid = 931369 As the main axis of the development of urban space in bazhong, the two sides of the ba river are the center of urban functional organization, the interface of urban landscape display and the corridor of urban natural ecology. City according to the overall urban planning and urban development needs, improve the city road network capacity, the return air along the river the new bridge, hemp willow bay bridge, east gate bridge, south Yang Daqiao, huang ditch bridge and mulberry wood bridge, bridge under construction in 6 and original bazhou bridge, river bridge, the no. 3 bridge, jinzhou.would bridge, will greatly improve and capacity between the old city in the north of the city. Return wind bridge: The two - way six lane was completed and opened to traffic in the year The starting point of the center line of the project is the intersection of ba zhou avenue and the return wind east road, and the end point is jiangbei road. Construction route length 592.403 m, bridge span arrangement for (90 + 160 + 90) m, bridge deck 31 m wide, 54.9 m high, two-way six lanes and structural form for the prestressed concrete continuous steel structure, main girder using the hanging basket cantilever cast-in-place construction, the project total investment 100.39 million yuan. The back wind bridge was started in November 2010, and at present, no. 0, no. 1, no. 2 and no. 3 pile foundation, socket, and platform are finished. The main beam no. 0, block 1 and no. 2 have been cast, the lower part of the bridge has been completed, and the construction stage of the main beam has been fully entered. Construction units have completed the total investment of 52.54 million yuan, accounting for 52 percent of the total investment in the project, which is expected to be open to traffic this year. Return air bridge is connected to the city, the urban traffic trunk



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